Wednesday, August 25, 2010

blood sugar!

So My blood sugar got super high today. More high than it probably ever has during this pregnancy. It scared me kind of. The range it was today was the range it was right after I realized something was wrong with Ella because my sugars hadn't gotten that high with her (at least not while I was checking. I didn't know I needed to check till I was 6 months along!) I called the dr's office. He told the nurse to tell me that I had probably just eaten too many carbs for that lunch. It stinks knowing that I had helped myself make my blood sugar get so high. Joe is having a super hard time finding a job, I asked him just how many jobs he applied to and he told me at least a dozen probably. We are doing really poorly financially. I've got my dr appts on Monday. in Columbia for the baby. The high risk dr wants to start seeing me every 2 weeks for non stress tests. One of the ladies' blogs I recently decided to follow was talking about how God's Word is worthless to us as any other book to us if we don't pick it up and read it. That, to me, was a wake up call. I'm trying to hold on to God's promises that he will take care of us...I just wonder when we will start getting financial peace....

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