Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Monday!

Time for a Claire update! She got a perfect 10 again today! The doctor rates her on a scale 1-10.  She's doing awesome! She was a little resistant to move during the ultrasound but she picked it up during the non-stress test! My blood glucose levels have been better this week but there is always room for more their is for anything in life. 

Both the nurse and doctor are confident this pregnancy will be successful. The doctor said there is over a 99% chance this baby will be okay, and a less than 1% chance she won't be. We are both aware that life isn't promised though. We are aware but bad things can happen.  We are so excited to come home with a baby in our arms!  We have one month till she's born. Her birthday is November 18th! She'll be here pretty early that morning. We've only got 4 more doctor appointments (at least with Dr Grant) till she comes!

Hearing that the doctor feels confident that everything will be okay kind of restores my joy in this pregnancy. I think I ought to be more joyous! I have about 4 weeks of pregnancy left. I want to be able to enjoy it as much as I can...including Joe as well. 

Speaking of Joe, he still hasn't heard about the papa johns job yet. We thought the manager was going to call today but hopefully he was just busy or something. wishful thinking much...

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