Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Claire update!

Yesterday I had my appointment in Columbia. We did the same thing as we have been doing for like a month or so, non-stress test and an ultrasound, talk to the doctor and we leave. The baby is still doing well! Thank God for that! She took a little longer on the non stress test machine than normal to do all her movements and stuff but she eventually got the mission accomplished! The doctor says she is looking great!
We made a trip to Moberly after my appointments. I think it was much needed for the both of us. We went to go see Joe's sister, Amber, Daniel and our nephew. It was nice to see them again. We didn't get to see Amber and Daniel for too long. It was a couple minutes I'd say. After we left there, I went to Emily's house to see her and Ebony. Sara came for awhile too! It was nice. I felt rejuvenated at the same time, sad to leave. I knew everything there. Before we left town, I thought I was so ready to leave. Now, I kinda wonder what I was thinking wholly. I'm not saying I don't like it here, I totally do. I just think I'll feel better when I'm more familiar with the town and more with the people. It still feels new. I kind of like that familiar feeling. It was easier for me to make friends in Moberly because of school. The first two years I was there, I lived in a dorm with a lot of other girls so I had pretty much no choice but to meet people (which I am not complaining about at all!) This time is different, I'm married and live in an apartment complex, where its easy to ignore one another and/or only see each other every once in awhile.
Before we left, we went to look at our old house. It's been renovated! It got longer and has concrete underneath it. Things have changed in town since we left. We visited Pizza Hut where Joe used to work. We ended up staying there a little too late and didn't get home till around 1:30. I'm pretty tired today. 
We are getting pretty discouraged as Joe can't seem to get a job. I've been praying for it since before we even moved here and it has yet to happen. I came to realize that maybe I am being kinda prideful, thinking that since I have been asking for so long. But what about asking with boldness? And asking anything in His name? I don't feel like I'm being selfish in this request totally. I mean, I want to be able to pay our bills and buy diapers when the baby comes. I want Joe to be able to feel like he's contributing. I don't think its fair that we should depend on others to support us when they have to support themselves too. It's just frustrating. But praise God we are being taken care of. Things are more tough than I'd like them to be but I know this too shall pass.

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