Wednesday, December 15, 2010

oh life..

Continues to be a wild ride! I fall in love with our little baby a little more everyday. Claire amazes me everyday with the things she does and the cute noises she makes. She's changed so much in the past month in the way she looks. Typically she doesn't wake up during the night a lot to eat. She has her "spurts" where she wants to nurse frequently. I'm getting the hang of being a momma more. Reading baby's cues has gotten a little easier-when it comes to learning what she likes anyway (such as position to be held in)
I have to say, I enjoy being a mommy rather than not. At first I was overwhelmed because I felt like I didn't have time to do the things I used to do before she was born and it seemed like Joe did. I would feel guilty if I took any time just to take a break from being mommy and part of me still does but I'm learning to let Joe share the responsibility of taking care of her.  There is part of me that feels guilty for feeling guilty when I get overwhelmed because of losing Ella. I feel like since we lost one I shouldn't feel overwhelmed. 

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